(615) 895-9139 [email protected]

2024-2025 Calendar


2024-25 Staff and Family School Calendar

July 31, Aug 1 & 2*


August 4

Open House for New Students

August 5, 6, 7

All New StudentsPhase-in

Parents will receive notification of individually scheduled days and hours.  Students will attend abbreviated hours on selected days.

All Returning Students:  Abbreviated Days

Students will attend all three days.

3 year-olds will dismiss at 11:00

4, 5 and 6 year-olds will dismiss at 11:30

August 8

First full day for students

September 2*

Labor Day

October 4*


October 7-11*

Fall Break

October 14

Students Return

November 25-29*

Thanksgiving Break

December 18-January 7*

Winter Break

January 6 & 7*


January 8

Students Return

January 20*

MLK Holiday

February 17*

Presidents’ Day

March 28*


March 31-April 4*

Spring Break

April 7

Students Return

April 18*

Good Friday

May 26*

Memorial Day

May 28

Last Day for Students

May 29  *



*Students do not attend
